Online Community

Five Wisdoms Community

Thank you for visiting...but we are not quite ready! 

We invite you to gather here to connect, share, and engage 
with one another through the Five Wisdoms mandala. 

We are people passionate about the Five Wisdoms. Whether you are new or re-engaging, our community genuinely welcomes your dynamic energy and contribution. This is a space of belonging. Our collective curiosity creates a space where we share our colorful life experiences on a global scale.

Benefits of Being in the Five Wisdoms Community 
  • Being part of an interactive global community of Five Wisdoms practitioners
  • Staying in touch socially
  • Peer experiential learning sessions by pairing up with members
  • Receiving support from other members
  • Staying engaged with the Five Wisdoms teachings
  • Having access to updated Five Wisdoms materials
  • Receiving announcements and access to calendar
  • Being a Five Wisdoms spokesperson to spread the word and get others involved
  • Getting discounts on select trainings, courses, and products

The Five Wisdoms Institute offers trainings internationally.
Inspired by Naropa University, Contemplative Psychotherapy, and Authentic Leadership,
our trainings are proven to enhance self-awareness, communication, and effectiveness.