Embracing Your Feminine & Masculine Energies

For everyone longing to be a complete human being
by owning and living their full spectrum of colors

All sessions are on Zoom
September 3 to November 12
Tuesdays 4 to 5:30 Pacific, 7 to 8:30 EST

The Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism
granted funds to develop this course.  https://fredericklenzfoundation.org/

Do feminine & masculine energies create confusion & emotional distress for you?

As a woman, ask yourself:

• Are you struggling to be seen, known for who you really are?

• Do you feel inadequate because your feminine characteristics are not appreciated?

• Do you feel your strengths are not acknowledged?

• Do you find yourself walking on eggshells so as not to trigger someone's anger?

• Do you find you can't stand up for yourself?

• Do you constantly capitulate to someone who seems to have more power?

As a man, ask yourself:

• Do you need to be right rather than listen to the other side?

• Do you fear loosing control so need to be vigilant in holding power?

• Do you need to be respected, even more than loved?

• Do you feel that showing a softer side of yourself will make you seem weak?

• Do you find you alienate people by being overbearing?

As a woman or a man, ask yourself:

• Are you in touch with healthy feminine and masculine energy?

• Can you modulate between being forcefully masculine and softer feminine as needed in a situation?

The Feminine & Masculine...

The feminine and masculine are universal principles immediate in all spheres of life.

They come into play at every level of human experience: primary relationships, communities, societies, cultures, and politics.

Through the lens of the Five Wisdoms system, this course will illuminate how these energies are at play in ourselves, others, and situations.

We have identified with our gender but it has limits us. Let's go for the rainbow, embracing all the energies!

A deeper understanding of them can bring new insight at a personal, interpersonal, and a societal level.

We will train in embodying & recognizing energy
that is not about gender but qualities of being.

I am delighted to say that we will have several men as guests to join us in this exploration!

Because these energies exist innately within us, both women and men can learn to come into a healthy, integral relationship with them.

Each session will bring out a deeper understanding and importance of holding both feminine and masculine energies in everything we think, feel, say, and do.

The course has an emphasis on in-depth experiential learning. Session recordings are sent to you.

The Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism granted me funds to develop this course. https://fredericklenzfoundation.org/

Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy

The Course Includes

  • Talks and discussion
  • Guest male teachers
  • A workbook covering the topics of each session
  • Excerpts from my new book Unfolding the Mystery of Your Life, on the Five Wisdoms Path 
  • Embodiment practices working with inner yoga
  • Innovative personal and interpersonal exercises
  • Peer interactions to create peer relationships and community 

Optional reading for a deeper understanding of The Five Wisdom Energies

The Five Wisdom Energies, A Buddhist Way of Understanding Personalities, Emotions, and Relationships
Natural Brilliance, A Buddhist System for Uncovering Your Strengths and Letting Them Shine 
Format Sessions: 6 modules every other week
Reflection Circles: On alternate weeks
Scholarships: To request a scholarship, contact Irini Rockwell by emailing us here

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The Five Wisdoms Institute offers trainings internationally.
Inspired by Naropa University, Contemplative Psychotherapy, and Authentic Leadership,
our trainings are proven to enhance self-awareness, communication, and effectiveness.