The Five Wisdom Energies as a Path to Self-fulfillment
Irini Rockwell has made a great compassionate gesture to digest and present one of the greatest wisdom fruits of Tibetan Buddhism—the teachings on the Five Wisdom Energies—in a way that is accessible, meaningful, and workable. She rightly refers to it as ‘a human path.’ She has made a great contribution to bring these higher teachings down to earth and into the hearts of people.
Sydney Leijenhorst
KenKon, Integral Life and Training Centre, The Netherlands
Irini has done a fantastic job translating these profound Buddhist teachings into practical applications for everyday life…[she] points us to our innate authenticity where we can learn to wake up to life’s colorful display, dance with our ever-changing circumstances and open to the richness of being human.
Michael Carroll
Author of Awake at Work